Japfu Christian College, Kigwema organized a two days ICSSR-NERC sponsored National Seminar on the topic ‘The Wild Pear Tree: Exploring the Mnemonic aspects of Naga Migration Story’ on 2-3rd March, 2018. Research scholars and academics from various Naga tribes like the Angami, Chakhesang, Mao, Poumai, Sumi, Lotha, Pochury, Rengma presented their research papers on the legendary story of wild pear tree at Shajouba/Makhel in Senapati district, Manipur. The presenters delved into the different migration stories to arrive at some idea of shared oral history and cultural commonality among the Naga tribes tracing their migration narrative to the wild pear tree. The objective behind the national seminar was not only to look into the Naga past with academic rigour but also to foster the discourse of inclusion, which will facilitate understanding, brotherhood and unity among the Naga tribes. Professor Xavier P Mao presented the Keynote address, Dr. Visakhonu Hibo introduced the seminar and Dr. Kanato Chophy gave the concluding remarks.