Rethinking Naga Customary Laws: A Critical Outlook. Customs and traditions are paramount to the existence of Naga society. This, however, has not been without internal and external controversies. The concept and application of customary laws becomes more complex as Nagaland continues to experience the impact of capitalism and socio-cultural integration with mainland Indian society. The relevance of customary laws is a matter of urgent debate. Has modernization threatened the values of customary laws? Did democratic governance highlight the nuances and defects of customary laws? It is imperative to question the reliability and relevance of customary laws in the twenty-first century. It is crucial to bring the attention of academia and research scholars the negative defects and positive implications of customary laws, re-evaluate the theory and practices of customary laws; it is only pertinent to highlight and advocate the praxis of customary laws.
As Nagaland continues to battle socio-economic political transitions to a New Naga renaissance, it is apt to reflect on the importance of Naga social structures and functions of customary laws and to deflect from the nuances of customary laws. The broad themes underlined for discussion are:
Article 371A
Economic implications of gender status in the context of customary laws.
Land Relations
Tradition in transition
Social Justice
Education vis-à-vis customary laws
The seminar envisages a critical outlook on Naga Customary Laws by insiders themselves so that roadmaps can be drawn for enforcing good laws while questions and suggestions will be raised for re-looking at certain struggling laws. The place of Naga Customary laws in the post modern world would be the central emphasis for the entire two days seminar.